The Story:
I think that with processing life's ups and downs comes a lot of attempts at making sense of things, or at least trying to. There's many things in life that we'll never have an answer, which is super hard. As I've spent so much time this year simply processing all the things that have happened thus far including unexpectedly rebranding my business, having our second baby, selling our house, and losing my father...what came to mind what this beautiful complexity of life. Our lives are our stories, there are twists and turns, surprises and sorrows, great joys and great pains. But all these things come together to paint the picture on our life's canvas. We navigate each thing as it comes, some easily and some more challenging, but the collection of all these things is our beautiful story.
The Songs:
The Picture:

My hope for you:
My hope for you is that you would be able to embrace life and all that it brings. Allow yourself to feel all the feelings, to wrestle with the discrepancies and to celebrate the wins. Take note of all areas of growth while you simultaneously hold space for the aspirations. Be present, because this day and all the complex beauty it holds is an important page in the chapter of your current season.